Callywith secures Sport England funding for female boxing project

We are delighted to announce that our Callywith Active programme have successfully secured £1690 funding from Sport England’s 'Small Grant Fund' to help deliver a non-contact female boxing exercise project at Callywith College. 

The grant has been instrumental in acquiring essential equipment for our female boxing programme, including new bags, gloves, pads, skipping ropes, and resistance bands. These resources are vital for offering a comprehensive and engaging physical activity experience to our participants.

Julian Wills, Callywith Active Lead, emphasised the project's primary focus on encouraging young females to participate in physical activities. "The project aims to provide our female students with a supportive and secure environment where they can enhance both their physical health and mental wellbeing. By engaging in these activities, participants can develop confidence and self-belief while recognising that physical activity is beneficial for everyone, regardless of gender.

"Moreover, the project aims to empower students to adopt healthier lifestyle behaviors, fostering a long-term commitment to physical activity. By instilling this mindset early on, participants can lead fulfilling lives that prioritise and incorporate regular physical exercise."

Overall, the grant-supported project serves as a platform for positive change, promoting inclusivity, empowerment, and holistic wellbeing among its participants.