Social Sciences
Welcome to Social Sciences!
We hope that you can get a real sense of what studying in our department is like by traveling around our virtual 3D tours, watching the Subject Spotlight videos and dropping in to our online chat rooms (during virtual open events only).
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PLEASE NOTE: Our online chat rooms will only be available during our Virtual Open Events.
Why choose Social Sciences?
Explore compelling questions that have an impact on societies past, present and future, and through debate, research and study, develop a mature questioning intellect. By studying social sciences, you will develop your critical thinking and written communication skills benefitting the whole of your study programme.
You will build an understanding of the society you live in and factors that influence your own behaviour and that of others around you.
You will learn a vast selection of transferable techniques and abilities that will be valuable in higher education and employment.
Hear from students studying these courses here.
Visit our social sciences departments in Temple and Garrow buildings to discover where you'll be learning.
Philosophy & Sociology (Garrow)
Psychology (Temple)
To visit an online chat room, click on the 'Visit Room' button next to the list of courses below.
When you enter an online chat room, please let the team know what course you are interested in and someone will reply as soon as possible.
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To access the live online chat from a mobile or a tablet device, you will need to have installed and opened the free Microsoft Teams App from your phone’s App store before entering a chat room. Alternatively, you can access the room from a desktop computer by choosing the ‘watch on web instead’ option when the new browser window opens.
PLEASE NOTE: Our online chat rooms will only be available during our Virtual Open Events.
Social Sciences
A Level Philosophy of Religion & Ethics
A Level Psychology
A Level Sociology
Applied Diploma in Criminology
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Our Subject Spotlights introduce you to our wonderful lecturers who have created these videos to show the wide range of courses you can study at Callywith, what you can expect to learn and to give you an idea of what life as a student at our Outstanding college is like.
A Level Philosophy of Religion & Ethics
You might not be quite sure what Philosophy is. Don’t worry, many people aren’t! Some students who were just as unclear at the start have progressed to Philosophy degrees at Russell Group universities. For those of you who don’t take a degree in Philosophy at the end of the course, the thinking skills that you will learn will be of great value to you in any field of study or employment.
course information
A Level Psychology
A successful Psychology student has an appetite for understanding how scientific principles can be applied to human behaviour. If you are interested in people and inquisitive about their behaviour, this is the subject for you.
course information
A Level Sociology
Sociology is the study of society, explanations of social behaviour and an investigation into individuals’ relationships with society. By studying Sociology, you will learn to think critically and independently about society and your place in it, and develop a critical and informed understanding of the world around you.
course information
Applied Diploma in Criminology
This course is equivalent to one A Level and is designed to be taken alongside other A Levels. An understanding of criminology is relevant to many job roles within the criminal justice sector, social and probation work and sociology and psychology. This course gives learners the opportunity to study different types of crime, influences, the criminal justice system and criminological theories. Learning will be related to authentic case studies.
course information